Showing posts with label Women's Health. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Women's Health. Show all posts

Monday, 8 September 2014

Migraines And Headaches; Causes, Types, Symptoms & Remedies

YES! I know you are here today because you are presently looking to solutions to that very migraine headache you suffering or suffered from in time past. You may as well want to know more about it. Here you are! …to start wit!! There are times that you just feel some kind of serious pain or headache in your head …it might be for long and a short while. Most times it focuses on a portion of your brain and you can just wait for it to relief you. However, I am going to explain the types, causes and remedies of migraines as you read further. Migraines are a type of headache and there are basically two different types of migraines which are namely; Common Migraine, and Classic Migraine. Common...

Monday, 9 June 2014

What Causes A Yeast Infection In Women

Sometime wonder what could be the cause. I noticed a lady in the bus I bored some weeks ago trying to make herself comfortable …Scratching her thing like seriously. It once happened to me too as a guy but that’s when I must have been when am returning from a local market where lots of bacteria are all flying around. I will have sweat a lot and this could cause my body itching. But let’s throw more lights on causes of female itching. Apart from a few exceptions, female itching usually arises from infections. The infections may be bacteria, viral, fungal, or parasitic. The following conditions are some of the possible causes of female itching. Vaginal Yeast Infections: this condition is...

Air Pollution Health Risks A Must Read

Good day guys! Hope you are good today? I believe you are reading this post because you want to know the air essentials for you home & health. Okay! …I've once asked this question; Can the air we breathe in within the confines of our home be polluted or therefore be harmful to our health? YES!  ….If you don’t know. Air Pollution Health Effects Indoor air pollution stems from combustion pollutants such as gas, oil, coal, wood, tobacco products, building materials, and furnishings, insulations that can contain asbestos, cleaning or personal use products, damp carpet and lead-based paint. The air fresheners we use release such toxins, also. Other pollutants include viruses and bacteria...

Friday, 6 June 2014

Avoiding Unplanned Pregnancy Stories

We are going to be talking about Abortion, abortion rates, at home abortion, and also various ways on how to avoid unwanted pregnancies naturally. According to a definition which i got from (Wikipedia) an abortion is the termination of a pregnancy by the removal or expulsion of an embryo or fetus from the uterus, resulting in or caused by its death. An abortion can occur spontaneously due to complications during pregnancy or can be induced. It’s a commonly used term for ladies, girls or women who purposely terminate their pregnancies. But in some cases, some loses their pregnancies spontaneously which we could term as "miscarriage". I recently made researches on abortion rates and i was...

Wednesday, 4 June 2014

Importance Of Healthy Living For Adults

Thank you guys for visiting my first post on this blog today. I hope to serve you more vital information on health matter, health news and tips in general. However, lets go to today's business. Importance of healthy living. I will like to bring to your notice that what you eat affects your health. In case you don’t know your food choice affects your daily life and would determine how long you'll live. Read also: Why It Is Important To Drink Water How Healthy Food Could Make You Live Longer:Now that you have the idea of what i will be talking about, the keynote i will be pressing on is "Eat Healthy", know your food choice, know the best time to eat a certain food. Most unhealthy eaters...