Monday 9 June 2014

What Causes A Yeast Infection In Women

What Causes A Yeast Infection In Women
Sometime wonder what could be the cause. I noticed a lady in the bus I bored some weeks ago trying to make herself comfortable …Scratching her thing like seriously. It once happened to me too as a guy but that’s when I must have been when am returning from a local market where lots of bacteria are all flying around. I will have sweat a lot and this could cause my body itching. But let’s throw more lights on causes of female itching.
Apart from a few exceptions, female itching usually arises from infections. The infections may be bacteria, viral, fungal, or parasitic. The following conditions are some of the possible causes of female itching.

Vaginal Yeast Infections: this condition is also known as vaginal candidacies or vaginal thrush. Classic symptoms of vaginal candidacies include vaginal itching and a thick vaginal discharge. Candida normally grows in a healthy vagina, where the slightly acid PH environment keeps Candida and other microorganisms from multiplying rapidly enough to cause infections.

However, there are varieties of factors that can throw the environment of the vaginal out of balance, and thus make it conducive for yeast to grow.

Causes Of Yeast Infection

  • Those taking strong antibiotics; especially for a long period of time. Antibiotics kill bacteria, which can alter the balance of microorganisms in the vagina, as well as in the mouth and other places in the body. Some antibiotics, especially tetracycline, also appear to stimulate the growth of yeast organisms.
  • Pregnant women; the hormonal changes associated with pregnancy alter the PH of the vagina and increase the production of blood sugar.
  • Menstruation; some women report, more yeast flare-ups just before or after their menstrual period.
  • Stressful times; doctors don’t fully understand the stress/yeast connection, but many women report an increase in yeast infections during times of high stress.
  • And lastly, people with diabetes.

Infections! Infections!! Infections!! Above all you, women …you have to be very protective and careful as even oral intercourse can also open up chances for yeast infections as a viral vaginal infections. Is this post useful to you? I would love you to show love by posting your comments below. Thanks!


This is very important for the pregnant women to read this. its very useful.

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